I was going through my drafts and found this post I forgot to publish so I wasn't sure of the story's status, but then I saw this tweet by Stacey so I updated it. Either way, this is something that should be known by anyone who is unaware of it.
Posted February 11, 2016 by
A Green Beret who has been awarded the Bronze Star could be kicked out of the U.S. military any day now. Why? Because he physically removed an Afghan commander who was sexually abusing young boys from a U.S. military base.
People are really disgusting sometimes.
It’s really disgusting that the largest tribe in Afghanistan has a centuries-old practice called “bacha bazi,” which literally translates into boy play. You can read a full expose on this horrifying practice here, but it’s essentially the predominant practice of dressing up young Afghan boys as women, making them dance seductively for older men, and then selling them off to be raped repeatedly as a sexual slave.
Like I said, it’s disgusting and brutal.
So you’d think that the presence of U.S. troops working alongside the Pashtun tribe would help end this evil.
You’d be very wrong.
Members of our military have witnessed this practice.
"I personally witnessed young Muslim Soldiers getting into verbal and physical altercations with our American Servicemen when they would touch the Americans inappropriately or verbally solicit sex from them."
"My commander directed me to approach the Arab unit co-located with us and try to resolve this with their chaplain (Imam). His explanation was that this was no big deal.…"
Just today a former member of the US Air Force told me of several incidents while he was deployed to Afghanistan where a young boy was being sexually abused by Afghan men working for the US military. He said he was, in fact, ordered by his superiors to take no action, that this was a local/cultural issue.
Soldiers have told others (off the record) that what the reporter recounted is in fact true and prevalent. They were told to not get involved in this cultural and perverse activity. In other words, to look the other way.
So Sergeant Charles Martland had to act. After local Afghan citizens told Sergeant Martland that a local Afghan police commander kidnapped a 12-year-old boy, tied him to his bed, and repeatedly raped him for more than a week, Martland had to act. He said it was the morally right thing to do when the boy and his mother came asking for help.
They questioned the leader who admitted everything and scoffed at their problems with him.
So Sergeant Martland sent a message – the U.S. military will not allow sexual abuse of young children in its presence. He exhibited the best of our men in uniform – he led and physically removed this predator from the U.S. base.
It’s unbelievable. It’s disgusting and brutal.
Our military should be allowed to stand up for what is right wherever they are. It’s why I love them.
Over a thousand years ago when this Holy war started, there was a Knights oath. Legend or not, it rings true.
(As any soldier in my eyes is a knight.)
- Be without fear in the face of your enemies.
- Be brave and upright that God may love thee.
- Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death.
- Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong – that is your oath.”
-The Knight’s Oath-
God bless this brave knight and bring him honor and justice.
When a pair of elite U.S. troops found out an Afghan police officer was keeping a boy in sexual slavery, they let the Afghan have it. Now the American soldiers are the ones under fire.
A pair of Green Berets physically assaulted an Afghan police official in 2011 after he imprisoned and raped a local boy. But a senior U.S. Army officer in charge of the men wasn’t happy about what he saw as “vigilante” justice.
“They put their team’s life at risk by doing what they did, by risking catastrophic loss of rapport” with local Afghan officials, Col. Steve Johnson, who was an Army Special Forces battalion commander, told The Daily Beast. Johnson said Sgt. First Class Charles Martland and Capt. Dan Quinn, who picked up and threw the police official after discovering he had chained the boy to a bed and pressed him into sexual slavery, had jeopardized the U.S. mission of helping the fledgling Afghan government get on its feet.
Johnson’s comments are some of the strongest to date against the two Special Forces members, who have become central figures in the growing scandal over child sex abuse in Afghanistan and the U.S. military’s alleged acquiescence by encouraging soldiers and Marines not to report rape cases, which are seen as “cultural” issues and not matters for law enforcement. The New York Timesreported this week on the military’s sexual assault policy in Afghanistan and on cases of U.S. service members who say they were retaliated against after standing up to Afghan child rapists.
Rape and sexual exploitation are endemic in Afghanistan, and such crimes are rarely prosecuted. But after Martland and Quinn acted against the Afghan police officer, the two faced disciplinary action that effectively ended their Army careers. The men weren’t court-martialed, but they faced administrative punishment that meant neither would ever be promoted again.
The 20 or so soldiers stationed at the remote base in northern Kunduz Province, where the fight took place, “were out there alone with minimal protection and relied on local Afghan police and their relationship with the district governor,” whom Johnson said was “very upset that [the soldiers] did this.”
A pair of Green Berets physically assaulted an Afghan police official in 2011 after he imprisoned and raped a local boy. But a senior U.S. Army officer in charge of the men wasn’t happy about what he saw as “vigilante” justice.
“They put their team’s life at risk by doing what they did, by risking catastrophic loss of rapport” with local Afghan officials, Col. Steve Johnson, who was an Army Special Forces battalion commander, told The Daily Beast. Johnson said Sgt. First Class Charles Martland and Capt. Dan Quinn, who picked up and threw the police official after discovering he had chained the boy to a bed and pressed him into sexual slavery, had jeopardized the U.S. mission of helping the fledgling Afghan government get on its feet.
Johnson’s comments are some of the strongest to date against the two Special Forces members, who have become central figures in the growing scandal over child sex abuse in Afghanistan and the U.S. military’s alleged acquiescence by encouraging soldiers and Marines not to report rape cases, which are seen as “cultural” issues and not matters for law enforcement. The New York Timesreported this week on the military’s sexual assault policy in Afghanistan and on cases of U.S. service members who say they were retaliated against after standing up to Afghan child rapists.
Rape and sexual exploitation are endemic in Afghanistan, and such crimes are rarely prosecuted. But after Martland and Quinn acted against the Afghan police officer, the two faced disciplinary action that effectively ended their Army careers. The men weren’t court-martialed, but they faced administrative punishment that meant neither would ever be promoted again.
The 20 or so soldiers stationed at the remote base in northern Kunduz Province, where the fight took place, “were out there alone with minimal protection and relied on local Afghan police and their relationship with the district governor,” whom Johnson said was “very upset that [the soldiers] did this.”
But a former Marine and U.S. congressmen called Johnson’s conclusions “totally inane and wrong.”
“That exemplifies the problem with the Army,” Rep. Duncan Hunter, a member of the House Armed Services Committee who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, told The Daily Beast.
“To say that you’ve got to be nice to the child rapist because otherwise the other child rapists might not like you is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.”
Hunter has been encouraging lawmakers and Secretary of Defense Ash Carter to review the cases of Martland and Quinn, who were helping train local police officials and protect civilians in Kunduz. They say they were responding to pleas by villagers, including the boy’s mother, to do something about repeated sexual assaults against children by the police.
“The abuse of children over there is systemic,” Johnson said, acknowledging that the Afghan justice system doesn’t routinely prosecute sex crimes. But the soldiers had been “short-sighted” and “didn’t take the big-picture view,” he said. Quinn and Martland should have let local officials handle a local matter, Johnson said. “They didn’t fix anything by doing what they did. If anything they made it worse.”
When Quinn and Martland confronted the police officer, Abdul Rahman, he laughed and joked about the rape, according to two individuals with knowledge of the altercation and a written witness account obtained by The Daily Beast.
The extent of Rahman’s injuries is in question. The witness account said Rahman had exaggerated how badly he’d been hurt. Johnson said he hadn’t seen Rahman and couldn’t attest to his injuries. Johnson also wasn’t stationed at the base and visited a day after the fight and spoke to soldiers there.
Hunter said the men and their colleagues were highly trained soldiers who didn’t depend on Afghan officials for protection. “These Special Forces guys can take care of themselves,” he said. Hunter questioned whether Johnson was qualified to weigh in on the incident, as he has previously in one newspaper account and in a social media thread debating the case with current and former Special Forces members.
In an interview last month with Washington state’s News Tribune, Johnson said: “You cannot try to impose American values and American norms onto the Afghan culture because they’re completely different. We can report and we can encourage them. We do not have any power or the ability to use our hands to compel them to be what we see as morally better.”
Quinn and Martland were as
signed to conduct so-called village stability operations, which Johnson said depend on U.S. forces building strong, trusting relationships with local officials and respecting them as the governing authority.
“Functional or dysfunctional as it may be, there is a legitimate government in Afghanistan,” Johnson told The Daily Beast. “We’re operating within their borders. Operating on their behalf. So we have to work within their system. We can help their system improve by working with their system.” But, Johnson added, “If you want to fix the institution, you don’t fix the institution by picking a scab.”
Current and former soldiers rejected that view in a lengthy debate on a private LinkedIn discussion thread about Quinn and Martland’s case. The Daily Beast obtained copies of the comments and confirmed with Johnson that the discussion took place.
“On a human level Charles Martland did right,” said one unidentified commenter. “On a professional level, he did the right thing. De Opresso Liber… is this our creed or just talk?” The Latin phrase, which is the motto of the Special Forces, means “to liberate the oppressed.”
“If Martland loses his [Special Forces] tab and his career… you can have mine too,” said another anonymous commenter, responding to a post from Johnson saying the men had erred. “I encourage you to pick up a phone and talk to these men about their perceived short comings as opposed to putting this stuff on blast and social media to see,” said the commenter.
“Martland cant [sic] respond to this and I’m positive you are aware of that, just as I’m positive he is aware of the overwhelming support from his brothers.”
Martland and Quinn would have had little reason to think Afghan officials would seriously respond to their complaints about sexual abuse. The Afghan legal system doesn’t handle child sex abuse like the United States does, a fact driven home to U.S. forces serving abroad.
Marines preparing to deploy are given a detailed training session about the Marine Corps’ own rules against sexual assault. But they are offered practically no guidance on what to do if they witness rape and other sexual abuses by “local nationals” in other countries, including Afghanistan.
The Marines are told that laws and norms about sexual relations vary from country to country and that in Afghanistan in particular, sexual assault is a “cultural” issue and not a purely legal one.
Rahman’s case didn’t go unnoticed by local authorities.
A linguist working for the U.S. military who spoke with colleagues at the base shortly after the altercation said the Afghan provincial police chief—Rahman’s boss—was furious when he learned Rahman had been abusing the boy. “He strongly condemned Mr. Abdul Rahman’s action and suggested that ‘he should be dismissed, arrested and put away for life,’” the linguist said in a written account provided to U.S. officials. The Daily Beast is not naming the linguist out of concern for his personal safety. The contents of the letter haven’t been previously reported.
- Daily Beast
This is fucked up and disgraceful. Whether you're for A or against B, or agree with C, D, or E.. Or disagree with whatever..
These young men & women that get stuck in these Hell holes.
Dodging bullets, hoping they don't get blown-up so they can
just make it home, sacrificing so you don't have to and putting
their lives on the line whenever they're asked to do so, deserve
nothing but support, period. Because unless by some miracle
the world's leaders
*cough* NWO - 1% - Banks - Oil etc..*cough*
are overthrown by genuinely good, peaceful, rational, freethinking,
generous, selfless, intellectual, people with no hidden agendas
and that aren't money/powerhungry, greedy, warmongering, hateful, religious-radical psychopaths. Or the whole world
suddenly decides to wake up and stop being so f**king stupid,
(Which, let's be real, isn't gonna happen)
War is inevitable, and without them it would be you over there.
I'm not happy with the Government either, it's all completely
corrupt, absolute, total bullshit. You can't trust any politician
or believe a word that they say. But it shouldn't be taken out on
the good soldiers like this that would take a bullet for you without
thinking twice. "They" know what they're doing. When the 'government'
Sticks them in the middle of nowhere, tired, young, far from
home, and then they're right in the eye of the shit-storm of combat
with bullets flying by, blood and screams and explosions everywhere,
raining debri, the fact that your next step could blow your legs off
always in the back of your mind.. There are no politics or agendas
or any of that shit.. Nothing exists, nothing matters except one thing
and one thing only, making sure that you and the guy next to you
survive, that's it. There's no reset or pause or changing your mind
or calling timeout, it's too late, because you're surrounded by
people whose whole goal in life is to kill you.
Okay sorry lol, my rant's over, I just read about this story and I was disgusted.
You don't just destroy innocence like that, children are off limits. And unless you're hunting for food to survive, so are animals. People who hurt animals or children are absolute pathetic cowards, period.
Men are supposed to be protectors and have honor, not be weasel coward finks, and this Bronze-Starred Green Beret, Sergeant, Leader, and Badass did exactly what I would've done and what anyone should've done.
If you agree spread the word, cause this most likely won't be on the news and he doesn't deserve to be punished.
You don't just destroy innocence like that, children are off limits. And unless you're hunting for food to survive, so are animals. People who hurt animals or children are absolute pathetic cowards, period.
Men are supposed to be protectors and have honor, not be weasel coward finks, and this Bronze-Starred Green Beret, Sergeant, Leader, and Badass did exactly what I would've done and what anyone should've done.
If you agree spread the word, cause this most likely won't be on the news and he doesn't deserve to be punished.
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