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Monsters don't dance, we boogie

T.o.T.3 Games/Rituals part 1

IMPORTANT: Do not stop this ritual halfway. You must do it through to the end. TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK. This is a dangerous ritual, and I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you try. The "One-Man Hide and Seek," aka the "One-Man Tag," is a ritual for contacting the dead.

T.o.T. #Rituals #Games prt.2 and Contacting Spirits

These rituals are usually older than you, so whether you believe or not just play with caution. If demons, evil entities, or ghosts are real do you want to be the one to find out the hard way? Any time you open doors or lines of communication with other worlds, the unknown, or other planes...

Violeta - Short Film from I+G Stop Motion on Vimeo.

Residents of a remote village in Sisaket Province, Thailand, have been left in awe after they found this animal that has strange reptile-like scales and an elongated snout. Thai newspaper Rath reported that the animal died naturally soon after its birth.
Footage of the animal was posted on YouTube by the Thai news organization Matichon. Incense and candles were lit around the calf as locals believed it would bring them good luck.
From ancient Greek mythological creatures like centaurs to modern urban legends like Jake the Alligator Man of Florida
 (pic. below), the human imagination is particularly rich when it comes to bizarre animal hybrids.


The Taking of Deborah Logan Full Movie:

Torture devises used on witches/criminals
The pillory was used to publicly humiliate a victim. Even though it was meant as a mild form of punishment, the crowd sometimes made it lethal.  The pillory often served as a post for Flagellation. When the victim was restrained with the device, he was completely defenceless and subject to the crowd. In many cases the crowd threw harmless objects such as vegetables, but when the victim committed a serious offence they threw stones or other heavy objects. The crowd often humiliated the victim by cutting his hair, putting marks on his body and even mutilating some of his body parts.
The rack is commonly considered the most painful form of medieval torture. It was a wooden frame usually above ground with two ropes fixed to the bottom and another two tied to a handle in the top. The torturer turned the handle causing the ropes to pull the victim’s arms. Eventually, the victim’s bones were dislocated with a loud crack. If the torturer kept turning the handles, some of the limbs were torn apart, usually the arms.This method was mostly used to extract confessions, as not confessing meant that the torturer could stretch more. Sometimes, torturers forced their victim to watch other people be tortured with this device to implant psychological fear. 
The iron Boot which inflicted great pain on the victim’s feet, was often used, as the victim rarely, if ever, died from it. It consisted of high boots, made of spongy leather, that were placed on the victim’s feet. The victim was tied near a fire by the boots. Next, boiling water was poured on the boots, which seeped through the leather boots and dissolved the flesh and bone of the victim’s feet. In some cases, the torture administrators add wood inside the boot and pour oil in as well. This action expands the wood and cuts off circulation to the foot. 
The Scavengers daughter consists of a hoop of iron with a hinge in the middle. The victim was forced to crouch on one half of the hoop while the other half was pivoted and placed over his back. (Imagine being placed into a giant set of iron dentures.) The torturer would use a screw to tighten the hinge, crushing the victim further and further into his involuntary crouch. Eventually, ribs and breastbone would crack and the spine could be dislocated. Sometimes the compression was so great that blood would gush from the fingertips and face
The Iron Maiden is a device so fiendish it was once thought to be fictional. It’s an upright sarcophagus with spikes on the inner surfaces. Double doors open on the front, allowing entrance for the victim. In one example, eight spikes protruded from one door, 13 from the other. Once the victim was inside, the doors were closed. There, the strategically placed spikes would pierce several vital organs. However, they were relatively short spikes, so the wounds wouldn’t be instantly fatal. Instead, the victim would linger and bleed to death over several hours. To add to the abject horror of it all, two spikes were positioned specifically to penetrate the eyes. 
The gossip bridle was a locking iron muzzle, metal mask or cage which encased the head. There was an iron curb projecting into the mouth which rested on the top of  the tongue. This device prevented the shrew from speaking. In some instances the iron curb was studded with spikes which inflicted pain if the victim spoke. Some Scold’s Bridals had a bell built in which drew attention to the scold as she walked through the streets. The woman would be humiliated by the jeering and comments from other people. 
Bastinado involves beating a prisoner on the soles of his or her feet with a stick. This method of torture relies on the fact that the foot is a fragile appendage with numerous bones, tendons, joints, and muscles. It is also a place where nerve endings are close to the surface and therefore especially susceptible to pain.  Such violence applied to the foot is particularly unpleasant.
The Jougs was an iron collar fastened by a short chain to a wall, often of the parish church, or to a tree or mercat cross. The collar was placed round the offender’s neck and fastened by a padlock. Time spent in the jougs was intended to shame an offender publicly. Jougs were used for ecclesiastical as well as civil offences. Some surviving examples can still be seen in situ in Scottish towns and villages. Jougs may be the origin of the later slang word “jug”, meaning prison. 

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