Horror Movies to look for, trailers, news, gifs, and more

Warning: The following Trailer is disturbing and funny
I know this isn't horror, but had to include Tarantino. Coming this Christmas:
Starry Eyes hits VOD on November 14th

I'm not actually a big Paranormal Activity fan, but this is the final one and it looks pretty damn good.

This magazine is for any news, trailers, updates, etc.. Plus some awesome gifs n shit too.
View my Flipboard Magazine.

This is a new magazine so I could concentrate on Movies with Horror Galore⬆and Horror Art with this one⬇
View my Flipboard Magazine.

This one is for Eli Roth and the new site/YouTube ch. he's a part of: CryptTV. If you haven't checked it out yet this magazine is anything and everything CryptTV where #WeirdisGood !
View my Flipboard Magazine.

🔪and as a proud member of the CryptTV family I help run a blogger for them too - - They're official site is, Twitter +CryptTV plus Facebook and Instagram. If you're a horror junkie like me, look no further cause between these sites and magazines there will always be a place to get your fix. There's even HorrorNewsPapers updated DAILY you can not only read and subscribe to for free, but you can make headlines if your # is chosen🔪

Movie Facts, A lot of different Art & Dark Art, Videos, Skulls, Trivia, and Cool Info. Interesting & Provocative Posts, Articles, and Blogs. Bizarre Breaking News and Wierd stuff from around the world and deep in the net. #MindSpaceApocalypse Mind Space Apocalypse is on Facebook, Wordpress, Tumblr, YouTube, Vimeo, Everywhere. @Overkill_MSA on Twitter - We Are Legion